VentureBeat's What to Think Podcast

VentureBeat's What to Think Podcast

Latest Episodes

VentureBeat's What to Think: Episode 5
May 21, 2014

This week, What to Think is a glorious trainwreck. In this episode, you'll hear about adult-entertainment options for your Oculus Rift, the most technologically incompetent Congress in American history, and a song about big data. Yes, we finally got our m

VentureBeat's What to Think: Episode 4
May 15, 2014

In this episode of "What to Think," Brian Solis of the Altimeter Group joins us to discuss the wisdom of Apple acquiring Beats and what to do about Facebook trying to collect money from every brand that wants to reach its fans on the social media. We also

VentureBeat's What to Think: Episode 3
May 07, 2014

Facebook used to be a hacker's company. Nowadays, as we saw at the company's conference, F8, it's more of a marketer's company. This shift may not be so popular with hardcore developers, but it's likely to please Facebook's investors. All that, plus a riv

VentureBeat's What to Think: Episode 2
April 30, 2014

This week, we gossip and get very real about sexism in technology -- from throwing the B word to the ouster of RadiumOne's former CEO. Plus, we find Secret's number-one defender in our special guest (and 500 Startups mentor) Micah Baldwin.

VentureBeat's What to Think: Episode 1
April 23, 2014

Heartbleed rages on, a GitHub founder steps down, and China takes over the tech stock market. Plus, our feisty guest shows that in Silicon Valley, the Emperor has no clothes.
