VentureBeat's What to Think Podcast

VentureBeat's What to Think Podcast

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VentureBeat's What to Think: Episode 15
August 07, 2014

In this week's episode, we talk with VentureBeat writer Richard Byrne Reilly about why exactly Yahoo acquired mobile analytics company Flurry. We also discuss Baidu's deep-learning research, the new Amazon Fire Phone, and Twitter's second-quarter earnings

VentureBeat's What to Think: Episode 14
July 22, 2014

In this week's episode, we talk with data science maven (and NY tech scene fixture) Hilary Mason about her new startup, Fast Forward Labs, and how it will help companies solve their data science problems. We also discuss Yahoo's acquisition of Flurry, the

VentureBeat's What to Think: Episode 13
July 16, 2014

In this episode, Dylan Tweney and Jordan Novet speak with Benj Edwards, a journalist who is digging up screenshots from the old Prodigy online service. We talk about the challenges and joys of digital archeology. We also tell you what to think about Micro

VentureBeat's What to Think: Episode 12
July 10, 2014

This week, it's all about remote-control birth control, Apple's Pride-themed commercial, and all the news from MobileBeat, our wild and crazy mobile conference. We're joined by VB's own Devindra Hardawar, mobile mastermind and gadget shaman.

VentureBeat's What to Think: Episode 11
July 02, 2014

Google's new design language is a rip-off! Twitter is small potatoes! These and other rosy little rays of sunshine in this episode of What to Think. Plus, we delve into a culture clash between SF politicians and the app that's changing urban car-parking.

VentureBeat's What to Think: Episode 10
June 24, 2014

Between Amazon's phone and Microsoft's tablet, we're diving into the gadgety deep end this week. But what will those devices do with all your delicious data? We bring special guest Kevin Marks in to talk about the balance between utility and privacy withi

VentureBeat's What to Think: Episode 9
June 18, 2014

VentureBeat talks with Jay Nath, the chief innovation officer for the city of San Francisco, about the ways that the city is embracing the "lean startup" philosophy and working with entrepreneurs. We also discuss some of the news highlights of the week, i

VentureBeat's What to Think: Episode 8
June 11, 2014

As eBay and AOL struggle to learn expensive lessons about how they are NOT startups anymore, civic planning experts like Ron Conway are heckling progressive technologists at conferences. Join startup godfather Steve Blank as we discuss the crazybananas is

VentureBeat's What to Think: Episode 7
June 04, 2014

WWDC completely took over the week... But why? We saw some incremental updates, but no new hardware. The biggest news was a total nerdbomb: a new programming language called Swift. We also dish some heavy dirt on why Snapchat needs a new CEO. Seriously.

VentureBeat's What to Think: Episode 6
May 27, 2014

Chris Chen was a budding developer with interesting ideas and a Y Combinator acceptance letter. Then someone gave him $150,000, and it all went downhill from there. Join us as we discuss the news of the day -- founders behaving badly, hackers behaving lik