Understand the God Who Speaks

Latest Episodes
Michael S. Heiser Presents the Theology of the Unseen Realm
Michael S. Heiser presents the theology of the unseen realm. The unseen realm connects all the dots between the Old and New Testaments. The Table of Nations in Genesis 10 links to Luke 10. Deuteronomy
Engaging Christ with Culture
Dr. Darrell L. Bock makes the bold assertion that cultural intelligence requires we understand the changing world around us, and engage these changes in ways that edify the church and winsomely seek a
No Escape
No Escape The fourth vision in Amos 8:1-3 indicates no escape for Israel. Amos saw a basket of summer fruit. In the previous visions Amos observed someone doing something, expressed with a particip
Scott Delaney Christian Author
Scott is an accomplished Christian author and leader with over 28 years of experience in brand and pharmaceutical management. Currently, Mr. Delaney is the President and CEO of Unichem Pharmaceuticals
Imminent Destruction and Intercession
Imminent Destruction and Intercession Imminent destruction and intercession characterize Amos 7:1-14. They are the thread holding the passages together. It is a theme that enhances the claim of aut
What is in a Name
What is in a Name? What is in a name? In Judges 6:11-24, we will be introduced to a new expression for Yahweh. Its use in several passages makes it clear that the biblical writers conceived of two
By the Powers of Darkness
By the Powers of Darkness By the powers of darkness, the rich got richer, and the poor got poorer. Amos 6 shows us how the rich got richer. The noble leaders of Israel had sold out to the powers of
Judgment Brings Mourning
Judgment Brings Mourning Amos now turns from an indictment to a judgment brings mourning lament. Their sins and coming judgment are a cause for lamenting. Israel will fall, and only a few will rema
Bulls of Bashan
Bulls of Bashan Bulls of Bashan had once surrounded Mount Hermon in the days of Jesus. The meaning of the name Bashan in Hebrew is “serpent.” Looking at its beautiful snowcapped mountains today, yo
Judgment for the Chosen
Judgment for the Chosen Amos 3 is about judgment for the chosen. It includes a a covenant lawsuit focusing squarely on the northern kingdom, the elect of God. Chapter 2 focuses on the sins of Israel. Chapter three focuses on the covenant relationshi...