Understand the God Who Speaks

Understand the God Who Speaks

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December 07, 2021

LIFE IN DEATH Life in death is unique only to Christianity. Death in death is also unique to Christianity. A person recently asked me when was death discovered? It was discovered when one man’s sin br

November 22, 2021

There is a lot of talk these days about spirituality vs religion. Is spirituality religion? Or is it not? Spirituality brings up a whirlwind of concepts and ideas. Buddhism focuses on personal spiritu

The Plan of the Temple of Solomon
September 10, 2021

Many fail seeing the significance of the word “plan” in a biblical text. 2 Chronicles 28:11-21 mentions “the plan” four times. Its Hebrew word “tabnet” and its root “taknet” is found only two other pl

Josh McDowell Presents the Moral Choice of Right and Wrong
September 10, 2021

Helping people learn to make right moral choices based upon God and His Word as the absolute standard of right and wrong. Josh helps them discover what standards of behavior are right for all people,

Dr. Leighton Flowers Is Calvinism a Better Option?
September 10, 2021

You have heard of Calvinism and Arminianism but which one of them is right? The doctrines of election, predestination and salvation have been controversial throughout church history and in this lesson

John Goldingay Presents the Prophets Daniel and Ezekiel
September 10, 2021

Prophets Daniel and Ezekiel never knew each other. But their similarities outweighed their differences. Both speak of holiness. Both speak of resurrection. Both speak of restoration. Ten similarities

How Does Death Save US From Sin?
September 10, 2021

We talk about Jesus’ death saving us. How does death save us? Salvation developed from the sense of physical rescue. God rescued Israel from danger. God delivered Israel from the hands of the Egyptian

God and the Lesser gods
September 10, 2021

We walk among lesser Gods. We also walk with the God of gods, Yahweh. God created “elohims” like Himself. “Elohim” often becomes misunderstood. It means “a disembodied spirit whose home is the spiritu

Engaging Christ with Culture
September 10, 2021

Dr. Darrell L. Bock makes the bold assertion that cultural intelligence requires we understand the changing world around us, and engage these changes in ways that edify the church and winsomely seek a

The Gates of Hell at Caesarea Philippi and the Transfiguration
September 10, 2021

The identification of this rock has been debated for a very long time. The area’s geography is the key to understanding the passage. Eventually, this place became known as “Pan’s Grotto.” The god Pan