Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Latest Episodes

018: What Women Want
March 04, 2016

Hello and welcome to Tuff Love, a weekly all from Venice, California with your host, Robert Kandell. Each week, I pick a topic on something that i see in the world that needs discussing. This one, when i first whispered it out loud,

017: The Role of Monogamy in Today’s Society with Ken Blackman
February 26, 2016

Greetings and Salutations world… My name is Rob Kandell and this is Tuff Love: A Live Group Coaching call which takes place every Thursday at 10am PST live from the lovely city of Venice, California. This is the place where we talk about topics that ma...

009: Ghosting
February 20, 2016

Welcome to Tuff Love, a weekly live group coaching call with your host, ME, Rob Kandell. I am excited about this call because I talk about a topic that are near and dear to me – GHOSTING. The urban dictionary defines ghosting as:

016: The Power of Jealousy
February 18, 2016

I asked a teacher once about how to handle jealousy. He has been having, uh, dynamic relationships for about 25 years. He looked me straight in the eye and said "Handle jealousy? You CAN'T! You're SCREWED! Go mow the lawn or something".

008: Patience
February 12, 2016

Welcome to Tuff Love, week eight with your loving Host, me, Rob Kandell. This call was recorded in the suburbs of Washington DC after my first redeye flight in a long time. This show is about speaking the truth, the raw truth,

015: The MRA Issue (*men’s right activism)
February 11, 2016

In February 2015, a MRA (men's right activist) named Roosh V tried to organize a set of Meetups across the globe that basically encouraged or at least supported the concept of non-consensual rape. It led to an uproar across the world calling for the ce...

007: The Tyranny of “I Don’t Know”
February 07, 2016

Welcome to Tuff Love, week seven, a live call from lovely Venice, California with me Rob Kandell. A man who just plain cares! This week we continue our attempt to spread love and harmony throughout the world with intense, raw truth on topics of love,

014: What Happens when Partner’s Don’t Agree
February 04, 2016

Welcome to Tuff Love, a weekly live call from Venice Beach, California. My name is Rob Kandell and I am your host because I love spreading the tenets of Tuff Love in the world. What is Tuff love? Well, simply,

013: Craziness around Body Image
January 28, 2016

Welcome to Tuff Love, a weekly podcast with your host, Rob Kandell, live from Venice Beach, California. This is your weekly inspiration to live your life EXACTLY the way you want it. We don't mince words here.

006: Its Not the Circumstance, It’s You
January 24, 2016

Welcome to Tuff Love, my weekly blast of ecstatic approval from the lovely city of Venice California. Each week, at 10am PST, I do my live show to share the gifts that were bestoyed upon me through 16 years of personal development.