Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Latest Episodes

037: How to Touch Deliberately
August 04, 2016

I came up with the concept for this Tuff Love in a moment and then thought - "you can't do that". But, as a teacher of deliberate touch for 10 years and a witness to a WORLD of UN-DELIBERATE touch, I thought it would be a good one to discuss. -

036: Authenticity with Kendra Cunov
July 28, 2016

au·then·tic·i·ty Noun : real or genuine : not copied or false : true and accurate - its a simple word really... authenticity. Just be real, right. Easy? Right? Well.. no, its not so easy. In matter of fact,

035: Having Integrity
July 21, 2016

This week's show was off-script. In other words, it's more real and vulnerable than I expected it to be. We start off with Robert Burns' 1785 poem: - > The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men > Gang aft agley -

034: Surviving and Thriving in Transitions
July 07, 2016

I am in the middle of a transformation. Details will be made public soon. The question, really, is how I handle this transition will be a true test of my commitment to being an entrepreneur and a man. As Tony Robbins says, we all want stability.

033: Breaking The Old Relationship Paradigm w/ Ray Doktor
June 30, 2016

My buddy Jason said that i had to meet Ray that we are like-minded souls. We were like two cats when we first met. Sniffing at each other, our ears pinned back, but with a definite kinship. Since then, we’ve become friends and colleagues.

032: Handling the Heat
June 23, 2016

I grew up an overweight kid in the suburbs of Long Island which meant the heat of the hazy and humid summers was something to be feared. I feared how my shirt would cling to my body, bring the cotton t-shirts to conform to the body I was ashamed of.

031: Be Nice
June 16, 2016

A teacher once told me the viewpoint: "Being 'Nice' is telling the truth without anger". I always liked that. - Last weekend, Morgan and i had the opportunity to coach a couple who were in a rough spot. They kept going around in the same loop and fro...

030: Stop Creating Problems (Where there none)
June 09, 2016

There was an epic fire in my new home of Calabasas, California on Saturday. We could see huge billowing smoke, fire helicopers, planes, fire-trucks over the ridge from our home. I was home cooking dinner waiting for Morgan and the kids to come home.

029: Start with Why for Better Results
June 02, 2016

The first time I saw Simon Sinek's presentation "Starts with Why", I was blown away. I saw the wisdom in his words and his eloquent way of explaining a new paradigm of how to approach business and life. It has become the first thing I often discuss wit...

028: Pure Education around Gender Identity and Dynamics with Amy Jo Goddard
May 26, 2016

I am a heterosexual white male born and raised in an upper middle class neighborhood who really has never wanted for anything in his entire life. When they define "privilege", it would be appropriate to use my life as an example.