The Click & Convert Podcast

The Click & Convert Podcast

Latest Episodes

6 Misconceptions of Conversion Rate Optimisation Testing
September 24, 2016

Whether the objective of your website is to collect leads or generate sales Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) is one of the most important exercises a website owner can undertake. CRO is the practice of making adjustments to your site through...

Convert More Paid Traffic with Custom Landing Pages
September 10, 2016

Many businesses pay to drive traffic to their websites vis pay per click, with little regard to where they send it. Paid traffic from AdWords, Bing Ads or Facebook Ads usually ends up on the home page, or on a product page at best. Ideally you should...

Google AdWords Causes a Stir in 2016
August 27, 2016

Google are renowned for making changes to their services and platforms, sometimes shutting them down altogether. Radical changes though, are usually reserved for their "free" services and those that are not direct revenue generators. So the recent...

Rob’s 5 Best Ever Email Subject Lines
August 13, 2016

Rob has done some research into email subject lines and in this week’s show he reveals the results. Once you’ve got your email into someone's inbox the next thing you need to do is to get them to open it. A powerful and relevant subject line...

The Top 3 Facebook Ad Mistakes to Avoid
July 30, 2016

In this week's show we look at 3 common mistakes that are made when running Facebook ads. Facebook advertising is becoming extremely popular, and ever more effective. This is reflected in the amount now being spent on advertising on the social...

Instantly increase revenue from your paid search marketing campaigns
July 16, 2016

This week we talk about Bing Ads, the often overlooked paid search marketing channel. Pay per click (ppc) marketing is dominated by Google AdWords, especially in the UK where Google’s market share in search is around 86%. If you already have a...

13 Point Checklist for Effective Online Lead Generation
July 02, 2016

In this week’s show Rob takes the “Lead”, as we discuss Lead Magnets. These are a powerful way to attract people to leave their contact information on your website. When used in the right way a lead magnet will way outperform your standard...

#88 How to Charge More for Your Services or Products
June 17, 2016

In the newly named Click and Convert podcast, Sean and Rob  reveal one simple pricing ‘trick’ that can boost your revenue by 30% or more. Business owners typically set their prices in the following ways: Guessing Look at the competition Cost...

#87 3 Great Tools to Drive Traffic and Conversions - TSBMR
June 03, 2016

Episode 87 of The Small Business Marketing Report Podcast  In this week's podcast Sean and Rob discuss 3 of their favourite marketing tools. This is not an extensive “100 online marketing tools” list with applications dragged up...

#86 - 5 Reasons Blog Comments Don’t Work For You - TSBMR
May 14, 2016

Most blogging platforms have a comment facility and there are third party systems that include additional features. They are so easy to include as part of your site Yet Copyblogger turned off their comments some time ago. Seth Godin, one of the most...