The Truth About Taxes and Retirement

The Truth About Taxes and Retirement

Growing Up Watts (Ep. 54)

February 22, 2023

“The things I teach in classes, seminars, and the podcast are the things we practice in our own lives…financially and personally.” — J. Barry Watts.

In a previous episode, Barry spoke with his wife about money and marriage. Today, Barry invites his beloved daughters to the hot seat!

In this episode, J. Barry Watts joins his daughters Madison and Sydnie Watts, who share their experience of growing up in the Watts household and how it shaped their lives — personally, professionally, and financially.

Madison and Sydnie discuss:

  • Their childhood stories (farm life, goat shows, and first jobs)
  • How they developed budgeting habits and a strong work ethic from a young age
  • Life lessons from their grandparents and great-grandparents
  • Their favorite travel memories with family — including mission travels
  • The biggest money lessons that have stuck with them
  • And more


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