Blaze Church

Blaze Church

Latest Episodes

Be The Greatest Part 4: The Fight // Keith Indovino
September 23, 2018

Hurt people hurt people. How do you react when another Jesus follower sins against you? The fourth principle Jesus gave us to being the greatest is all about how we treat other believers when they hurt us. He specifically outlines the who, the when, the .

Be The Greatest Part 3: The Chase // Keith Indovino
September 16, 2018

Have you ever wished you could hear God speak? Maybe you’ve asked God to flicker the lights, so you’d know He’s there. Is God still loving even when you choose the wrong actions and attitudes? When followers of Jesus wander, God chases them. We can be ce.

Be The Greatest Part 2: The Question // Keith Indovino
September 09, 2018

The decisions we make never just effect us. When we refuse to cut sin out of our lives, we inevitably help other people sin. God is passionate about his children not being “helped” into sin. Jesus used hyperbole to teach us how serious we should take rem.

Be The Greatest, Part 1: The Argument // Keith Indovino
September 02, 2018

Being the greatest is something we all want to be. The disciples were caught arguing about who would be the greatest in Jesus’ kingdom. We have the same arguments when it comes to be the greatest parent, spouse, child, boss, employee, etc. Jesus did some.

Best Of, Part 4: The Plant // Keith Indovino
August 26, 2018

During the month of August, we have the privilege of being taught by Pastor Andy Stanley of North Point Community Church. We are pulling a message series out of the archive for our podcast feed. We know this message will lead you to discover Jesus! 

Best Of, Part 3: The City // Keith Indovino
August 19, 2018

During the month of August, we have the privilege of being taught by Pastor Andy Stanley of North Point Community Church. We are pulling a message series out of the archive for our podcast feed. We know this message will lead you to discover Jesus! 

Best Of, Part 2: The Fish // Keith Indovino
August 12, 2018

During the month of August, we have the privilege of being taught by Pastor Andy Stanley of North Point Community Church. We are pulling a message series out of the archive for our podcast feed. We know this message will lead you to discover Jesus! 

Best Of, Part 1: The Sailors // Keith Indovino
August 05, 2018

During the month of August, we have the privilege of being taught by Pastor Andy Stanley of North Point Community Church. We are pulling a message series out of the archive for our podcast feed. We know this message will lead you to discover Jesus! 

Vision Update Sunday // John Ginnan
July 29, 2018

Sowing and reaping is a real principle we all experience. Where you invest, is where you'll see a return. Too often we invest in places that don't have positive returns. Today we are reminded that the greatest place for us to invest in is places that ret.

Vision Update Sunday // John Ginnan
July 29, 2018

Sowing and reaping is a real principle we all experience. Where you invest, is where you'll see a return. Too often we invest in places ...