Blaze Church

Blaze Church

Latest Episodes

Christmas Playlist Part 2: O Come All Ye Faithful // Keith Indovino
December 09, 2018

“O come all ye faithful, joyful, and triumphant.” Do those words describe you? For most of us, we wouldn’t say we are any of those things. So does that mean we cannot come to Jesus? By looking at the genealogy of Jesus, Matthew shows us who it is that Je.

Christmas Playlist Part 1: O Holy Night // Keith Indovino
December 02, 2018

“A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices; for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.” Could you describe your world as weary right now? On the holy night that Jesus was born, the world was weary, the moment was chaotic, but a thrill of hope entered the.

Thankful Life Part 3: Pecan Pie // Keith Indovino
November 18, 2018

It is so easy to forget to give thanks for what we have. Why? Because too often we are focused on what we don’t have. We trade our attitude of gratitude away for just an attitude. When we stop celebrating and start complaining, we go from being thankFULL.

Thankful Life Part 2: Joy To Your World // Keith Indovino
November 11, 2018

Joy is a theme we see repeated over and over during the holidays. But can joy come to YOUR world? Can you have joy even when you suffer? The holidays can remind us of how our lives aren’t the way we want. In those moments, followers of Jesus have a beaut.

Thankful Life Part 1: Dear Money, I Don't Love You // Keith Indovino
November 04, 2018

Black Friday has become a major holiday. It’s purpose is to push us towards getting more money so we can buy more things. Have you ever wondered what God thinks about money? Does He hate it? Does He love it? Are Christians supposed to be rich or poor? Di.

Super Zeroes Part 4: Faith Overrides Fear // Jonathan Bernor
October 28, 2018

The story of Samson is a story of God's grace and faithfulness. Samson was set apart to deliver Israel. He continued to fail over and over, but God never failed Him. Faith overrides failure when we believe what God has said, and we forget what God has fo.

Super Zeroes Part 3: The Negotiator // Keith Indovino
October 21, 2018

Are you good at bargaining? Maybe you know someone you’d call “a smooth-talker”. Many of us have attempted to talk God into giving us what we believe we most need. Too often though, when we think we’ve won and convinced God to do what we want, we actuall.

Super Zeroes Part 2: God's Stage // Keith Indovino
October 14, 2018

Everyday is filled with moments where we attempt to prove our worth and strength to others. Living this way makes us very aware of our limits and weaknesses. To compensate for our weakness, we try harder or deny they exist. But what if we could embrace o.

Super Zeroes Part 1: Better Together // Keith Indovino
October 07, 2018

We can accomplish way more together than we can on our own. Too often though, we allow insecurity, independence, and invincibility to stop us from investing what we have to help others. The life-changing message of Jesus will reach more people as more Je.

Be The Greatest Part 5: The Finale // Keith Indovino
September 30, 2018

Forgiveness is not easy. Especially when someone has a history of hurting you. Is it even possible to continue forgiving someone? One of Jesus’ followers asked him how often he should forgive others. Jesus’ answers was: “Don’t keep track. Keep on for...