Travel Business Succes‪s‬

Travel Business Succes‪s‬

Travel Marketing Training Part II | Travel Business Success Podcast 77

June 18, 2019

Do you want travel marketing training to improve your skills?
Are you getting a lot of website traffic without enough leads and bookings?
Are you wondering why you are not getting as many bookings as your competitors?
Want to learn more about travel website marketing to increase bookings?
Travel Business Success Radio Podcast episode #77. “HOW TO DOUBLE YOUR TOURISM LEADS, BOOKING AND PROFITS”. This is the second and last part of a two-part webinar training series focused on helping you increase and convert all your leads to actual bookings in no time. Also, listen at the end of the show for a special announcement for a live training course with Tourism Tim Warren which is slated to start July 25th, 2019 called “How to Double Your Leads, Bookings & Profits”.
Do You Have Competition? Need to Increase Your Bookings?
It is no news that the travel, tour and attraction business industry is quite competitive. Many new businesses being started in various locations. This creates quite a strain on any existing business. This struggle should push owners to seek new travel marketing training skills that will give them a clear edge over the competition. A great way to learn new travel marketing tips is to listen to experts in the industry and gain new knowledge from their vast experiences.
Who Is Tourism Tim Warren?
Tourism Business Startup, Growth & Exit Expert
"Tourism Tim" - Tourism Marketing & Customer Service Expert

“Tourism Tim” Warren has been in the travel business industry for over 25 years. As a tour operator and ecolodge stakeholder and by helping 1000’s of global tourism, travel and hospitality stakeholders like you, he has garnered great experience in travel business startup, growth and exit strategies, mostly focused on marketing, sales, operations, management, customer service, leadership and business value building. He offers key travel marketing training tips to various businesses in the industry through his book, podcast, live and online trainings and web series. He is passionate about travel marketing training and dedicate his time and resources to help travel businesses maximize their potential.


* Get an In-depth Insight on How Different Factors Can Affect Buying Decisions (02:00 - 6:00)

A clear knowledge of the various factors that affect buying decisions and how they truly come into play will help redefine and shape your travel website marketing strategies for better results. Targeting your travel advertising strategies through knowledge of these three factors will definitely increase your leads and bookings at an exponential level in no time.

* Find Out How Trust is a Key Factor that Affects Your Travel Website Marketing Strategies (06:00-10:20)

The layout of your website, editorial content, social media reviews and other important factors go a long way to determine how much your audience will trust you. The right content on your website tells your audience that you are an authority in your field and will definitely keep them on your website a lot longer.

* Learn about a Simple Formula Using the Three Deciding Factors that will Help You Determine Your Credibility and Increase Your Bookings (11:00-15:40)

This two-part formula focuses on how long you have been in business,