Transform Radio

Transform Radio

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Training The Physical And The Mental
October 18, 2014

I have a confession. I am not as congruent as I'd like to be. For years I've been training my mind...yet I've ignored my body. My biggest struggle over the years has been quitting smoking.  At 41, I'm not nearly as healthy as I'd like to be, although

Goal Setting Underpants Gnomes
October 09, 2014

This is how most of us approach goal setting. We choose the goal (collect underpants), visualize the outcome (profit), yet have no clue what Phase 2 is. At Phase 1, our hearts go "YEAH!  This is my PASSION!" Then our brains go "Sounds you go

You Are What You Eat
September 28, 2014

  You are what you eat. Sure.. if you feed your body a bunch of unhealthy junk, then you'll end up an unhealthy person. What about your brain, though? Do you feed your brain nutritious and educational stuff or is it a steady diet of fear, paranoia, a

Scaredy Cat Nation
September 26, 2014

We all know that fear can, sometimes, be a great motivator. It can push us to new heights, new adventures, and into doing new things we thought we couldn't do before. But what happens when fear becomes irrational? When we see the 'boogeyman' around eve

Stand Up For Yourself
September 23, 2014

  We all have that people pleaser part of our personalities. That part of us that doesn't want to rock the boat, that wants to "be the bigger person".  It's perfectly natural and perfectly human to avoid conflict. However, if you're like that more oft

The Man In The Arena
September 16, 2014

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood

When Life Gives You Lemons…
September 14, 2014

    So... this weekend, I should have been in South Beach. A buddy of mine from work is getting married in a couple weeks, and this weekend was his bachelor party weekend in Miami.  As it turns out, life had different plans for me, as I had to work

Death Is But A Horizon
September 10, 2014

    Recently a friend of a friend lost their child.  In the service, one of the prayers contained a line from an old Rossiter Raymond poem.  It said: The idea that the horizon is only as far as we can see, yet we know there's more beyond that is

Time To Hit The Reset Button
September 06, 2014

Google "reset button" and search images, and you'll see a bunch of quotes that say life doesn't have a reset button. Shenanigans! Life sure as hell has a reset button, one you can hit any time you want. It's called making new choices. Now, granted, hi

There’s Free Cheese In A Mousetrap
August 28, 2014

Ever say to yourself "Self...something has GOT to change!  I can't live like this anymore!" Then you make progress towards creating the life you desire...for a bit...and then that old ambition killer, comfort, comes back in and stops you in your tracks?