Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Latest Episodes

Question and Answer: Not Providing Fuel for the Unwholesome
May 24, 2015

For the evening Dhamma talk, Ajahn Viradhammo answers questions about dealing with difficult emotions, the story line, fear, anxiety, and suggests how to not provide fuel for the unwholesome. This is the eighth talk from the 2014 Peterborough Retreat .

Object Meditation Versus Characteristic Meditation
May 24, 2015

For the closing talk Ajahn Viradhammo Reflects on object of meditation and characteristic meditation as well as the skillful means of using ritual and chanting in our practice. This is the ninth and final talk from the 2014 Peterborough Retreat.

Preoccupations: Guided Meditation and Opening Talk with Precepts
May 17, 2015

Ajahn Viradhammo gives a guided mediation and opens the retreat offering the 8 precepts. This is the first talk from the Peterborough Retreat in 2014.

Non-Preoccupation with the khandas
May 17, 2015

Ajahn Viradhammo gives a short talk and guided meditation speaking about the five khandas and using the three principals of presence, non-anticipation, and non-resistance to support being watchful and available.

It All Belongs
May 17, 2015

Ajahn Viradhammo gives a brief talk about the third foundation of mindfulness, knowing mind states as opposed to being preoccupied by them. This is the third talk from the 2014 Peterborough Retreat.

The Satisfaction of Competence
May 17, 2015

The skill of a contemplative. Using Perception of anicca (as change), anatta, and dukkha for awakening. This is the fourth talk from the 2014 Peterborough Retreat.

Focus Meditations and Integrating Sitting Practice Into Daily Life
May 10, 2015

Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Seventeenth Talk).

The Anattalakkhana Sutta and Not Self - Q & A
May 10, 2015

Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Eighteenth Talk).

Not Dependent on Attributes - Closing Talk
May 10, 2015

Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Nineteenth Talk).

Hindrances, Jhana Factors, and Refusing to Think
May 03, 2015

Ajahn Viradhammo. Ottawa Buddhist Society Fall Retreat in Arnprior (Fourteenth Talk).