Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Latest Episodes

Hitting Your Brick Wall
July 05, 2015

This is the first talk from the 2015 winter retreat. Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about right effort and how to maintain awareness as the five hindrances arise.

Developing the Wholesome – Luang Por Liem
June 28, 2015

This is the English translation by Ajahn Thaniyo of a short Dhamma talk offered by Luang Por Liem on Sunday, June 21, during the inauguration of the Dhamma hall project. LP Liem encourages us to take care of the health of our minds as well as our physi...

The Wisdom of Relinquishment – Luang Por Jundee
June 28, 2015

This is Ajahn Thaniyo's English translation of Luang Por Jundee's talk offered on Saturday, June 20. LP Jundee explains that happiness does not come from gain or accumulation but arises from learning how to use relinquishment,

The Delusion of Obsession
June 21, 2015

On the Lunar Observance Day of Vesākha Puja (after our public celebration), Ajahn Viradhammo gives a teaching exploring how we are born into a view (or an obsession), unable to see beyond our delusion, and how we can work with these views so we can be ...

The Life of the Buddha
June 14, 2015

For the Saturday public celebration of Vesākha Puja (The celebration of the Buddha's birth, death, and enlightenment) Ajahn Viradhammo reads from the books: Buddha - The Story of an Awakened Life by David Kherdian and The Majjhima Nikaya by Bhikkhu Bod...

Using Social Life
June 07, 2015

Ajahn Viradhammo teaches us how to stabilize the mind within our social life. We do this by using generosity and morality as a means to life stability, giving up short term desire for long term peace.

Dying in the Dental Chair
May 31, 2015

Ajahn Viradhammo discusses orthodoxy versus orthopraxy. He focuses on the practical approach to a life of awakening, from being aware of the glass half empty to not following unfulfilled desire.

The Mood of the Mind
May 24, 2015

In this short talk before a meditation session, Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about awakening to the way things are, the mood of the mind, stabilizing awareness, the feel of the body and the mind, experiencing the mind and the body,

Inspiration and Diligence
May 24, 2015

Before a meditation session Ajahn Viradhammo gives a short reflection on Luang Por Liem's awakening, inspiration and diligence, different manifestations of personality, seeing personality as an object of awareness -- not as an awakened state.

It Depends
May 24, 2015

Ajahn Viradhammo gives a short talk followed by a brief guided meditation. He reflects on the conditioned nature of sense experience and the arising of emotional states and personality. He also reflects on the Buddhas teaching regarding conventional re...