Thinks Out Loud: E-commerce and Digital Strategy

2015’s Top Digital Trend: Online Video Arrives: Thinks Out Loud Episode 127
2015's Top Digital Marketing Trend: Online Video Arrives - Headlines and Show NotesFacebook new 10-second video ads - Business Insider
For Canada's Marketers, Digital Video and TV Are Equally Effective - eMarketer
Mobile Phones Strengthen Lead for Mobile Video Viewing - eMarketer
Smartphone Video Creeps into TV Time - eMarketer
Years Of Pretending Netflix Cord Cutting Wasn't Real Is Biting The Cable Industry In The Ass | Techdirt
Are Young People Watching Less TV? (Updated – Q1 2015 Data)
Breaking Down the Mary Meeker 2015 Internet Trends Report: Thinks Out Loud Episode 125 - E-commerce, Internet marketing and business strategy consulting | Tim Peter & Associates
The long-awaited moment when online advertising eclipses TV is near - Quartz
Snapchat Joins Daily Mail and WPP Agency in Marketing Venture - The New York Times
Instagram gets into real-time news - Jun. 23, 2015
Facebook will start sharing video revenue with creators - Business Insider
The Google Mobile Search Carousel Adds Pinterest Pins, Vines, Houzz & Food Network Recipes
As promised, here are the slides from the Mary Meeker 2015 Internet Trends Report:
2015 Internet Trends Report from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
You might also want to check out these slides I had the pleasure of presenting recently about how to lead mobile-focused digital transformation within large organizations (a topic we've been talking about a fair bit lately). Here are the slides for your reference:
Putting Digital to Work: 4 Key Actions to Drive Digital Transformation from Tim Peter (And, yes… you can hire me to speak at your next event, too).
Contact information for the podcast:
Technical details: Recorded using an Audio-Technica AT2035 studio condenser microphone through a Mackie Onyx Blackjack USB recording interface into Logic Express 9 for the Mac.
Running time: 16m 06s
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