Thinks Out Loud: E-commerce and Digital Strategy

Mobile Helps Software Eat the World. Will it Eat Your Business? – Thinks Out Loud Episode 123
Mobile Helps Software Eat the World. Will it Eat Your Business? - Headlines and Show NotesThe Coming Massive Mobile Disruption
Marc Andreessen on Why Software Is Eating the World - WSJ
Verizon-AOL, Facebook Instant Articles, and the Future of Digital Advertising - Stratechery by Ben Thompson
Merrill Lynch's mobile benefits site sees 46pc jump in visits - Mobile Commerce Daily - Banking
Smartphones Are Closing the Retail Ecommerce Device Gap - eMarketer
Half of US Mobile Subscribers Aged 65+ Now Own A Smartphone
Verizon-AOL deal sets stage for cross-screen advertising play - Mobile Marketer - Carrier networks
CEO Tim Armstrong Says AOL Is Staying In The Content Business (And He’s Not Selling TechCrunch) | TechCrunch
Facebook’s global dominance of messaging, in two maps - Quartz
Israeli ad blocker Shine could threaten mobile advertising - Business Insider
Mobile sophistication lags in hotel industry: L2 - Luxury Daily - Mobile
Millennials Most Likely to Say They Trust Businesses to Keep Their Personal Info Private
Verizon's AOL Deal Could Lead to New Privacy Problems -
The Game Changer for Mobile Commerce - Thinks Out Loud Episode 89
Why Millennials Matter - Thinks Out Loud Episode 116
Mobile Commerce is Here To Stay
Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers
by Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur
You might also want to check out these slides I had the pleasure of presenting recently about how to lead mobile-focused digital transformation within large organizations (a topic we've been talking about a fair bit lately). Here are the slides for your reference:
Putting Digital to Work: 4 Key Actions to Drive Digital Transformation from Tim Peter (And, yes… you can hire me to speak at your next event, too).
Contact information for the podcast:
Technical details: Recorded using an Audio-Technica AT2035 studio condenser microphone through a Mackie Onyx Blackjack USB recording interface into Logic Express 9 for the Mac.
Running time: 14m 28s
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