The Unruly Sports Fan

The Unruly Sports Fan

S4 E09: Get Paid

October 09, 2019

Kroeger and Rosa are checking out the sustainability at High Grain Brewery in Silverton, OH.  The guys discuss a few young NFL QB's and the NCAA Fair Pay to Play Act.  Which UnRuly Host thinks paying a bunch of college kids tons of money is a good idea?  The answer may surprise you...You are not going to want to miss this hilarious podcast where the guys are heated in debate and enjoying an IPA at High Grain Brewery.

Rapid Fire: 3:24

Main Event: 7:55

Halftime: 15:03

Beer Review: 28:58

Star Rating: 32:51

Rapid Fire Music Credit: "ECR" by Rosa Original

Halftime Music Credit: "Big Things" by HHB