The Union Edge

The Union Edge

Latest Episodes

How can we solve the opioid crisis?
November 20, 2017

How can we solve the opioid crisis? Sarah Karlin-Smith, health care reporter for POLITICO explains the opioid crisis, and how America can change it’s practices and policies to help bring ...

Sunday Lies
November 20, 2017

Trump administration officials use Sunday news shows to lie about GOP tax bills, Katie Sullivan reports for Media Matters.

American Federation of Government Employees District Report – Episode 10
November 20, 2017

Trump’s proposed budget for the Social Security Administration was anemic, and the senate wants to cut it even further than that. But all is not lost! Witold Skwierczynski, President of ...

Mark Dimondstein – APWU President – Why Single Payer Will Work
November 17, 2017

APWU President Mark Dimondstein negotiates health benefits for 200,000 Americans, and he believes single-payer is the best solution for our broken system. He joins us to talk about why we ...

Buck Geno – Work in Progress Radio – taxes taxes taxes
November 17, 2017

From Work in Progress Radio we have Buck Geno on the program to talk about taxes and news from Michigan.

GOP is desperate for a win
November 17, 2017

Danny Vinik of POLITICO joins us to talk about how the GOP has made tax reform very difficult for themselves, and how many of the republicans are desperate for a ...

Jim Dean – Democracy for America – November 15, 2017
November 15, 2017

Jim Dean, Chair of Democracy for America, talks about recent recent and upcoming political races.

Katie Schneider – Appletree Media Works – November 15, 2017
November 15, 2017

Visual web content continues to be on the rise, this makes sense as people are more likely to remember what they see compared to what they read. Katie Schneider from ...

Craig Harrington – Media Matters – Shep Smith Debunks Fox News Fake Story
November 15, 2017

Shep Smith stepped out of the Fox News box and debunked his own network’s Uranium One lie, Media Matters’ Craig Harrington reports.

Berry Craig – KY AFL-CIO – KY Governor Is Ready To Destroy The Public Pension System
November 15, 2017

Berry Craig joins us from the KY Labor Institute to discuss what how their governor wants to address underfunded pensions.