The Union Edge

The Union Edge

Latest Episodes

Julie Kessel – League of Women Voters – Municipality abolishes Super PACs
November 21, 2017

Last month, St. Petersburg Florida became the FIRST municipality post-Citizens United to abolish Super PACs and limit foreign corporate spending in local elections. Money in politics is a major priority ...

Specialized Medical Care for Veterans
November 21, 2017

Will Attig joins us from the Union Veterans Council to discuss why vets need specialized medical care.

Ted Hesson – Politico – Watchdog report
November 21, 2017

Ted Hesson joins us to discuss his Politico report: Watchdog says Homeland Security bottling up travel ban report

The failed comeback of a white supremacist
November 21, 2017

A white supremacist who got permanently banned on Twitter attempted a comeback and failed, Cristina Lopez reports for Media Matters.

Medicare and the Tax Plan
November 21, 2017

Ernie Powell, grassroots organizer for Social Security Works discusses what the proposed tax bill will do to Medicare.

A million mishandled car loans
November 21, 2017

Conduit Services has been providing bad records on as many as 1 million car loans for years. Sam Knight and Sam Sacks join us from the District Sentinel to talk ...

An inspirational pre-apprenticeship program
November 20, 2017

Chris Garlock from the DC Labor Council discusses a pre-apprenticeship program for low income DC residents, describing the love that instructor Rosella Scott puts into educating the next generation.

Unions and demoocracy
November 20, 2017

Labor reporter Doug Cunningham discusses why unions are vital to our democratic rights.

Bill Londrigan – KY AFL-CIO – Protecting the American Dream
November 20, 2017

Bill Londrigan, President of the Kentucky AFL-CIO, discusses why it’s vitally important that retired workers are able to collect the pensions that they earned while they were working. (Wait – ...

Breaking Through by MomsRising: #StandUpSpeakOut
November 20, 2017

On the radio show this week we talk about the destructive GOP tax plan and what you can do to fight back; gun safety policies and why they are needed; ...