The Uncensored Unprofessor
Latest Episodes
367 Reformed vs. Arminian 5 Election
The Reformed and Arminians agree that God predestined the elect, but they don't agree together who the elect are. They also don't agree on what God decreed about the reprobate (unbelievers). Frankly,
366 Reformed vs. Arminian (4) Predestination
Predestination: it's a big topic of controversy. The Reformed and Arminians each emphasize predestination in varied ways. Why did God predestine? Whom did God predestine? I also explore the very commo
361 Soaking in Spirit 12 Ware—Carrying the Spirit
In this, the last, episode of my series on God's Holy Spirit I present the theology of Kallistos Ware. A bishop in the Eastern Orthodox Church, Ware emphasizes that God's Spirit is encountered especia
Soaking in Divine Spirit (11) Welker—Justice, Mercy, Knowledge of God
In the theological component of this episode we examine the unique contributions of Michael Welker to Pneumatology (God's Spirit). Why does Welker land where he does? Why does his presentation seem to
359 Soaking in Divine Spirit (10) Pinnock—More than an Ornament of Piety
He came through a resolutely Baptist upbringing. In that context he was taught that the gifts of God's Spirit ceased with the time of the Apostles. So he was shocked when, attending a revival meeting
358 Soaking in D. Spirit (9) Pannenberg—God as Force Field of Life?
How is God present in and for His creation? Traditionally, that has been addressed through Christological categories. Our theologian for this episode, Wolfhart Pannenberg, presses us to consider that
357 Soaking in Divine Spirit (8) Moltmann—Life and Experience!
While he was a young man Jrgen Moltmann was conscripted into the Germany Air Force. After an Allied bombing of his city Moltmann then spent 3 years in a Scottish prison. While there he encountered th
356 Soaking in Divine Spirit (7) JR Williams—The Overwhelming Spirit
Christianity is grounded in God's revelation, and so in theology, and so in doctrine. But Christianity is not mere doctrine. It is a life, a life that can be felt and experienced. J. Rodman Williams w
355 Soaking in Divine Spirit (6) Barth and Disturbed Sinners
What did the famous German theologian Karl Barth teach about God's Spirit? I highlight four of Barth's emphases. Particularly I land on Barth's teaching about how Christians, by the agency of God's Sp
354 Soaking in Divine Spirit (5) Kuyper: Disagreeing with a Beautiful Soul!
Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920) was a beautiful soul. He wanted to bring the grace and light of God to bear on all areas of life: families, schools, and societal institutions. And he even spent four years