The Uncensored Unprofessor
Latest Episodes
377 Ref. vs. Arm. (16) Romans 9 and Divine Determinism
A classic prooftext for Divine Determinism is Romans 9. Especially verse 13, "Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated," is a pet verse for those who favor Divine Determinism. Across the last 500 yea
376 Ref. vs. Arm. (14) God Hardened Pharaoh's Heart
Significant to a notion of Divine Determinism is the Exodus. In chapters 7-12 we watch an ongoing interaction between Egypt's Pharaoh and Yahweh (via Moses and Aaron). What does that running exchange
375 Ref. vs. Arm. (13) God's Motive—Glory or Love?
The Reformed's Westminster Shorter Catechism, point #1, "What is the chief end of man? The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever." That's a solid claim! I don't disagree, except it
374 Ref. vs. Arm. (12) Randomness in Life
God created the universe, and planet earth, with an inherent quality of free-play. Free-play is where energies, gravity, animals, weather and more all have their ability to move and be and impact real
373 Ref. vs. Arm. (11) Prior Grace vs. Human Agency
Across my last five or so episodes I've put enormous weight on human agency in understanding a biblical theology. This cast O' the pod, following Reformed vs. Arminian constructions and the priority o
372 Ref. vs. Arm. (10) Grace: Common & Mundane
The Reformed doctrine of Total Depravity rather necessitates their doctrine of Common Grace, or better, common graces. When I was in seminary I realized that most other Christians talked about life in
371 Reformed vs. Arminian (9) Can You Lose Your Salvation?
The P of TULIP is Perseverance of the Saints. And so the question rises, "can you lose your salvation?" Just asking that question will get you kicked out of many in-home bible studies! Nevertheless, t
370 Reformed vs. Arminian (8) Grace vs. Works (Meh!)
Is the grace of God resistible? Can the Holy Spirit's efforts be frustrated? When does the new birth (regeneration, justification) happen in time? In their historical context, why do Protestants, both
369 Reformed vs. Arminian (7) God and the Problem of Evil
Probably like me you hear it all the time, "everything happens for a reason." More than likely? Those who say that do not realize they are espousing Reformed theology, or drawing on Reformed sensibili
368 Reformed vs. Arminian (6) For Whom Did Jesus Die?
The New Testament, from the Gospels to Revelation, proclaim Jesus to be the "lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." But how do the Reformed and the Arminians process the effective nature of