The Truth Serum

The Truth Serum

Latest Episodes

Patrick Cooke – What is Sovereignty?
October 14, 2021

What does drinking have to do with our cultural identity and the damage it causes, relocation to a vastly different culture and lifestyle to step into our sovereignty, living a FUCK YES LIFE, body ima

Laarni Mulvey – Culture and what it really means in the world
September 20, 2021

Why do we label ourselves and allow ourselves to be defined by others? How deep does culture really go and why is it only coloured Americans get differentiated by other nations and continents? What’s

Daring Donna – Who are we anyway?
September 07, 2021

Meditations, small white dogs, personal growth, messages to self, who we have become, life hacks and knowing when to send love and just walk away and a heck of a lot of laughter.

The Truth Serum Episode Nine
September 07, 2021

Daring Donna – Who are we anyway?

Renelle McPherson – Being Full of ourselves
September 07, 2021

Who the hell do you think you are? Opening up to love, loving yourself so much others know how to love you, the light and the dark of the coaching world, co-dependency, narcissism and a video bomb by

The Truth Serum Episode Eight
September 07, 2021

Renelle McPherson – Being Full of ourselves

Julian Guderley – Environment is everything
August 31, 2021

Discussing the concept of Planet Ocean as described by Tim Silverwood, The relationship between our own internal relationship with self and the planetary environment, The distraction techniques and wh

The Truth Serum Episode Seven
August 31, 2021

Julian Guderley – Environment is everything

Dawn Bates – My journey of podcasting so far
August 10, 2021

Why becoming a podcast host has trigger me, the technical frustrations, who to dance with in conversation and having a potty mouth. Links: