The Truth Serum

The Truth Serum

Time to step up!

December 01, 2016

Time to step up

Four months ago I came across a woman who had chosen to challenge people.  Challenge them on who they are and what they can bring to this world.

Time to step up

Four months ago I came across a woman who had chosen to challenge people.  Challenge them on who they are and what they can bring to this world.

Me being me, I was game. 

I was ready to play.

I know I have a lot of powerful knowledge in my head, and I know that I have experienced enough in life both professionally and personally to make a huge positive impact in the world,

I'm also a warrior. 

Someone who is prepared to stand up for what I believe in.

Someone who is prepared to be confronted and grow in all areas of my life.

So my thoughts were "Bring it on!!"


I took the challenge, and absolutely LOVED it!!

I create more shifts in 5 days in my business planning than I had done in the proceeding year.

This of course wouldn't have been possible without the previous groundwork that I had done, but seriously.... this challenge was a HUGE kick up the backside!


I then chose to do the 12 week course that followed. 

I was hesitant.

How was I going to afford it?

I was facing personal challenges of rebuilding as a single mother.

I was facing serious self doubts.

Did I know enough?

Would this content be beneficial?

Would this be a wise investment?

What if I took it on and screwed up BIG TIME.

Risk losing the home over my head.

Spending time on this instead of with my boys.

Was it going to be the same stuff I already knew but just presented differently.

What value was I going to gain?


But it felt right.

So I went for it.

I totally immersed myself in the process.

Played full out.

And the results I have created in all areas of my life have been phenomenal! 

Yes there was a lot of content that I already knew. 

But it gave me the confidence in what I knew.

It gave me the confidence to totally own who I am and the legacy I have to leave this world.

I had my arse kicked BIG TIME!

I got present to how I have been self sabotaging;

How I had been avoiding getting stuff done.

I got present to how valuable my knowledge and experience actually is.

I came across an amazing group of people willing to also step up to incredible heights.

People that were willing to support and encourage a total stranger.

A support network that I have never experienced before.


I finally got present to why so many people don't get my vibe.

I was attracting the wrong people. 

I was living in an old model of myself and my mind and desires were way ahead of where I was at emotionally and socially.

I wasn't in total alignment with my vision.

I had all this knowledge and I wasn't quite sure what to do with it.

I now have clarity.

I have created results that have blown my mind.

I have created content that will blow YOUR MIND!


I know I am great at what I do.

I know the results I have achieved in my life inspire others.

I know the results I have enabled my clients to achieve have blown them away.

I know I am happier.

Creating results like never before

With an amazing team that are scattered around the world in different time zones enabling me to work around family time, making sure my boys get my full attention between the time they get home from school and the time they go to bed. 

Working locally didn't fit my CORE VISION.

Its not in alignment with who I am and what I am achieving in this world.

And I don't care if others don't get it.

It is not for them to get.

Unless they want to.


And here is the key point.

Unless you want the results,

Unless you go for it and step up,

Playing full out,

You're not going to get it.

You need to invest in yourself.

You need to step up.

In all areas of life.

If you want an incredible life, you have to go for it.

Don't wait for it to happen.

Create a life you love, because it's the only one you've got.

Live it and love it, or change it!


I did.