The Sugar Switch® Podcast

The Sugar Switch® Podcast

Sugar and Long-Term Health, Part 1 – 4 KEY Factors TSSP184

April 05, 2023

Your health is the most priceless asset you will ever own! Whether talking about short-term health, or long-term health - sugar and refined foods have a definite impact. The good news is that you have the power to control the impact of sugar!

In this Episode (Part 1 of a mini-series), Cathy is on a mission to reveal 4 KEY Factors about sugar and your long-term health. You’ll discover WHY your body needs some sugar, including 2 very important facts that must be understood.  Cathy goes into detail about several different types of sugar and their direct impact on health, because each type of sugar produces its own effects. Before the end of this Episode, you will know HOW to use the 4 KEY Factors to benefit your health, now and in the long-term.  If you have been concerned about how to remain healthy in the future - this is important information you need!

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