The Sugar Switch® Podcast

The Sugar Switch® Podcast

6 Ways to Avoid a Sugar Crash TSSP187

December 29, 2023

With today’s highly refined, fast, convenience foods and snack foods - getting stuck in ‘a sugar crash’ (AKA the blood sugar rollercoaster) can happen very easily. The good news is that once you are aware of the dangers of refined foods and sugars, it’s not all that hard to avoid the whole issue of sugar crashes. 

In this Episode, Cathy explains why avoiding a ‘sugar crash’ is SO important for maintaining good health and energy. Then she goes into detail about 6 ways to avoid getting caught in a sugar crash, which will protect your biggest asset - your health!  Before this Episode is through, you’ll discover some elements that will help you recover more easily from a sugar crash, in case it ever happens to you.  Cathy also gives you plenty of resources to learn more about sugar, refined foods, nutrition and your health.

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