Running Lean

Running Lean

121. Is It Time to Change Your Diet?

April 22, 2022

Today I have a bit of a different episode for you.

I’m going to be asking you a lot of questions about your diet, your weight, your current health, your running performance, and a few other things.

The reason for this is that I want you to consider how your current diet might be affecting you.

Most people don’t pay much attention to their diet unless they suddenly find themselves overweight or their doctor wants to put them on some medication. I’m kidding, of course, it never happens suddenly, it’s a slow, gradual process.

The point is, this episode is all about you and your diet. Think about your current state of health and fitness as I talk about diet here today.

By the end of this episode, I want you to have a clear understanding of the effects of your diet on health and sports performance and help you decide whether or not it’s time to finally change your diet.

Interested in coaching with me? Get the personalized guidance, support, and accountability you need to lose weight, become fat-adapted, and do it in a way that supports your long-term health and fitness goals. Learn more and apply for coaching here:

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The post 121. Is It Time to Change Your Diet? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.