Running Lean

Running Lean

103. Handling the Holidays Like a Badass

December 17, 2021

The holidays can be a very difficult time of the year for a lot of people.

Shopping for gifts, planning social events, spending more time with family, and the added end-of-year demands at work can all lead to feeling more stressed and overwhelmed.

Not to mention the shorter days, colder temperatures, and lack of sunlight can make getting outside to exercise more challenging.

It can be very easy to just say “F-it” and blow off all your diet and exercise plans, stay indoors watching Netflix with a big ol’ glass of wine, and hibernate until the New Year.

But if that’s not how you want to roll in 2022, I’ve got an alternative solution for you.

In this episode of the podcast, I share a few simple tips for handling the holidays like a badass so you can slide into the New Year feeling good about yourself (which is not the way most people do it).

January 8 Pounds Down Challenge

Start the New Year by creating massive momentum – by developing the habits you need to lose weight for good!

I have a BIG challenge in the Running Lean Coaching Group for January – to lose 8 pounds by January 31st!

Don’t worry, I’ll show you exactly how to do it, and you’ll get the support of me and everyone else in the group to help you crush that goal!

January is an awesome time to get started with all of this – marathon training is just getting underway so it’s the perfect time to become fat-adapted so you can crush your Spring races!

You will learn exactly how to transform yourself into a lean, fat-burning, running machine so you can run without bonking, lose weight without losing your mind, and develop the habits you need to make it last a lifetime.

Click here to join the Running Lean Coaching Group NOW

Interested in one-on-one coaching with me? Get the personalized guidance, support, and accountability you need to dial in your macros, become fat-adapted, and do it in a way that supports your long-term health and fitness goals. Learn more and apply for personal coaching here:

Be sure to join the discussion in the Running Lean Community on Facebook! If you listen to this podcast, you HAVE to come check out our Facebook group, the two go hand-in-hand. Join here (it’s totally free!):

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The post 103. Handling the Holidays Like a Badass appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.