Running Lean

Running Lean

97. Eliminating Expectations

November 05, 2021

We all have expectations, every single one of us.
You expect things to go a certain way and when they do, it’s amazing and you feel great!
When things don’t go the way you expect them to, you get frustrated and you feel terrible.
But this is just the way life is, right?
What if there was a different way to go through your life?
What if you simply eliminated all of your expectations? How would that change things for you?
That’s exactly what I’m talking about here today.
In this episode, I explain why having expectations is the cause of most of your frustrations, and how eliminating expectations just might be the answer to achieving everything good you want in your life.
Eliminating Self-Sabotage for Good
Just in time for the holidays…November is self-sabotage month over in the Running Lean Coaching Group!
All throughout November, we’re going to learn what self-sabotage is, what causes it, how it impacts your life, how to stop it from getting out of hand, and how to eliminate it for good.
You’ll learn…

* What self-sabotage is and what it isn’t
* How self-sabotage might be impacting your life
* How to stop repeating self-sabotaging patterns from your past
* How to change self-sabotaging thoughts and feelings before they get out of hand
* How to radically change your mindset so you can eliminate self-sabotage forever

If you’re ready to be DONE with all your self-sabotaging behavior, then you have to join the Running Lean Coaching Group!
Click here to the Running Lean Coaching Group now.
Interested in one-on-one coaching with me? Get the personalized guidance, support, and accountability you need to dial in your macros, become fat-adapted, and do it in a way that supports your long-term health and fitness goals. Learn more and apply for personal coaching here:
Be sure to join the discussion in the Running Lean Community on Facebook! If you listen to this podcast, you HAVE to come check out our Facebook group, the two go hand-in-hand. Join here (it’s totally free!):
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