Running Lean

Running Lean

87. Weight Loss Is Not the Goal

August 27, 2021

As a weight loss coach for runners, I work with a lot of people whose main goal is to lose weight.
As a runner, they may have put on a few dozen pounds over the years and no matter how many more miles they run, they can’t seem to drop the pounds.
They want badly to get back to their “natural weight”, so they come to me for help reaching that goal.
This all makes perfect sense, right?
But once we start working together, I let them in on a little secret…weight loss is not the goal!
There’s something much bigger at play here, and a more important goal that you should be focused on.
In this episode of the podcast, I explain why weight loss is not the goal and the one thing that you should be focused on instead.
The Running Lean Coaching Group is now OPEN!
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* The self-paced, online Weight Loss Training Course for Runners
* Achieving the Impossible course – Create an Extraordinary Life by Going After Unrealistic Goals
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* Support and encouragement from a community of like-minded runners
* Accountability to keep you on track and always moving toward your goals
* 24/7 access to all of the coaching call replays so you can catch anything you miss
* The most cost-effective way to get the results you want!

Click here to the Running Lean Coaching Group NOW!
Interested in one-on-one coaching with me? Get the personalized guidance, support, and accountability you need to dial in your macros, become fat-adapted, and do it in a way that supports your long-term health and fitness goals. Learn more and apply for personal coaching here:
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