Running Lean

Running Lean

82. Practicing the Art of Discipline

July 23, 2021

When you think of discipline, what comes to mind?
For some, it conjures up images of obeying rules and doling out punishment for anyone who disobeys.
But when I think of discipline I think of training myself to do something day in and day out, usually something I don’t feel like doing.
I never think of discipline as punishment, but rather a method of achieving whatever worthwhile goal that I want for myself.
If there’s something big that you want for yourself, I’m telling you, there’s no magic formula, it just takes practicing the art of discipline to get it.
So in this episode of the podcast, I’ll be exploring what it means to practice the art of discipline so that you can achieve everything you want in your life.
BIG Announcement!
The Running Lean Monthly Coaching Group is now OPEN for enrollment!
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* The self-paced, online Weight Loss Training Course for Runners
* Achieving the Impossible course – Create an Extraordinary Life by Going After Unrealistic Goals
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* Accountability to keep you on track and always moving toward your goals
* 24/7 access to all of the coaching call replays so you can catch anything you miss
* The most cost-effective way to get the results you want!

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