Running Lean

Running Lean

66. Eliminating Scale Drama

April 02, 2021

I’ve seen a lot of social media posts and comments lately where people are sharing their frustration around the scale.
They weigh themselves and if the scale hasn’t moved in the right direction, they get down on themselves, feel disappointed, and they often give up.
All of this drama because of a number on a bodyweight measuring device.
The suggested solution to this problem? Weigh yourself less often, or not at all!
This doesn’t make sense. If you’re having an emotional experience around the scale, does avoiding the scale really solve anything?
In this episode of the podcast, I dole out a little tough love and explain exactly what scale drama is, how it impacts your life, and how to eliminate all that scale drama for good.
The Running Lean Monthly Coaching Group Spring enrollment is NOW OPEN! When you join this exclusive membership program, you get the most comprehensive weight loss and fat-adaptation coaching and training program ever created for runners. I only open the doors to this transformational coaching program every few months, so you do not want to miss this opportunity. Head over to and sign up now! Do it soon though, doors close on Sunday, April 4th at 11:59 PM.
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