Running Lean

Running Lean

63. Lessons Learned Running 48 Miles in 48 Hours

March 12, 2021

Today on the podcast, I’m going to break down my experience running the David Goggins 4x4x48 Challenge.
I’ll share some things I did right, some things I could have done better, and how this whole challenge has changed me.
Whether or not you would ever consider doing an event like this, I think you’ll get something out of this episode.
Because here’s the thing: it’s less about how many miles you run and more about who you become when you take on some big, impossible challenge like this.
I learned some powerful lessons about myself during this challenge, and about what I’m really capable of, and I’m hoping to inspire you and motivate you to push yourself…even just a little bit further than you ever have before.
I want you to see what you’re capable of too because you’ll never know until you get out there and get uncomfortable.
The Running Lean Monthly Coaching Group will be open for enrollment soon! When you join this exclusive membership program, you get the most comprehensive weight loss and fat-adaptation coaching and training program ever created for runners. I only open the doors to this transformational coaching program every few months, so you do not want to miss this opportunity. Head over to and get your name on the list!
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