Running Lean

Running Lean

54. The Benefits of Becoming a Fat-Adapted Runner

January 08, 2021

I get a lot of questions over in the Running Lean Community Facebook Group about fat-adaptation.
What does it really mean to be a fat-adapted runner?
How do I go about becoming fat-adapted?
What are the benefits of being a fat-adapted runner?
How do I know if I’m fat-adapted?
These are all such great questions!
So today on the podcast, I’m taking a deep dive into the topic of fat-adaptation for runners.
I’m going to answer all of these questions and more.
My goal is that by the end of this episode, you will have a solid understanding of fat-adaptation and why it’s such a powerful tool to help you improve not just your running, but your overall health and fitness.
Make 2021 your year!
Join the Running Lean Monthly Coaching Group and transform yourself into a lean, fat-burning machine!
Your monthly membership gives you access to all of my online courses and live group coaching calls where you’ll get the encouragement and support you need to hit all your running and weight loss goals for 2021!
Become the lean, fat-adapted runner you’ve always wanted to be! Click here to learn more and join now. You’ll want to act quickly as enrollment closes on January 10th, 2021 at 11:59 PM.
Be sure to join the discussion in the Running Lean Community on Facebook! If you listen to this podcast, you HAVE to come check out our Facebook group, the two go hand-in-hand. Join here (it’s totally free!):
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