Running Lean

Running Lean

48. Think, Feel, and Act With Purpose

November 27, 2020

The only things you have control over in this world are your own thoughts, feelings, and actions.
No matter how hard you try, you cannot control what other people think, how they feel, or what they do.
The problem is that most people don’t understand how all of this works.
Most people just feel terrible all the time and blame it on everything and everyone except themselves.
But here’s the thing: if you want anything different than what you already have, you have to look at what’s creating those results, and it’s always your own thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Losing weight and keeping it off requires that you learn how to think, feel, and act with purpose.
Today, I’m going to explain how all of this works so you can start applying this to your own life and start getting the results that you really want.
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