Running Lean

Running Lean

43. Embrace Discomfort

October 23, 2020

Most people are afraid of being uncomfortable.
I think this is a real shame since getting uncomfortable is the only way to achieve anything worthwhile in this life.
But it happens all the time!
People willingly trade away their big goals and dreams just so they can avoid any discomfort.
Here’s the thing: The only thing standing between you and your goals is the discomfort of getting them.
In this episode of the podcast, I explore what it means to embrace discomfort and why it’s such an important factor in achieving everything meaningful in your life.
I’m doing something BIG.
Next Sunday, I’m hosting an epic LIVE training event called “Getting Lean: How to transform your body into a lean running machine so you can run without bonking, lose weight without calorie-counting, and develop the habits required to make it last a lifetime.”
I’ll be sharing my unique 6-part framework for becoming a lean running machine.
This is the exact same framework I use with all of my private coaching clients.
I’m pulling back the curtain and sharing it ALL with you!
The event will take place on Sunday, November 1st at 4:00 PM EST in the Running Lean Community on Facebook.
Click here to join the Running Lean Community. It’s totally free and you have nothing to lose!
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If you enjoy this episode and it inspires you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me @pmcgilvray.