Running Lean

Running Lean

24. A Weight Loss Coach? For Runners?

June 12, 2020

A lot of people, especially non-runners, believe that running is a cure-all for every health ailment out there today, especially being overweight. People think that if they are overweight, all they have to do is start running and they will magically lose all the weight and live happily ever after… the end.
The truth is very different though. Running is NOT the magic pill for weight loss. It’s just not. There’s a lot more going on that we have to look at. Running is amazing though, and it definitely plays a role in living a healthy vibrant life, but it’s not everything.
So… yes runners, just like everyone else, need a coach to show them the way.
Today I’m going to talk about why I decided to become a weight loss coach for runners, what this means for you, and the AHA moment I had that completely shifted my thinking around running, health, fitness, and diet.
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