Running Lean

Running Lean

12. Why Running Doesn’t Work for Weight Loss

March 27, 2020

Being overweight is not something that’s not talked about very much (or at all) in the running community.
There seems to be some stigma around being a runner and being overweight. Like you’re not running enough, or you’re somehow doing it wrong if you’re training for a marathon and you’re overweight.
I know exactly how this feels.
In this episode, I’ll share why running is not a very effective tool for weight loss, and why you need to treat the underlying physical, mental, and emotional aspects of overeating if you really want to lose weight for good.
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Don’t forget to grab your FREE training program: How to Build Mental Toughness and Become a Badass Runner. Learn how to train your mind like you train your body so you can tough it out when the going gets tough (and the going WILL get tough!)  Start building your mental toughness today and be the badass runner you know you are! Download your FREE training program right now:
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