Running Lean

Running Lean

7. Randy Kreill on the Joy of Running Ultramarathons

February 21, 2020

Randy Kreill is a cool cat and a passionate ultrarunner. In 2019, he ran 13 ultramarathons including 6 100-milers. The cool thing is that he does it all on a plant-based diet and running in sandals!
In this episode, we talk about why he does all of this, and his answer is not what most people say. Most people run to challenge themselves, to push themselves, or because it’s hard. Most people run to move away from their past or distance themselves from who they used to be. Randy has a very different take on why he runs, and I think you’ll find it very inspiring.
Randy and I are fast friends, we could talk forever (we laugh a lot during this interview btw), and he’s such an inspiration to me. I know you’re going to love his energy!
If you enjoy this episode and it inspires you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag me @pmcgilvray.
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