Running Lean

Running Lean

3. Melanie Owen on the Mindset Required to Run Across Death Valley in the Summer

January 24, 2020

Recently I had the chance to talk with someone I really admire, someone I’ve been watching from a distance. One of the reasons I’ve been paying attention to Melanie Owen is because she’s a lot like me (and probably you)–a weekend warrior. Melanie is a fairly average runner, she works a regular job (she’s not a professional runner), and she runs because, well she just loves running.
That being said, Melanie has racked up some pretty incredible accomplishments so far. She’s actually got a pretty impressive running resume going. In fact, she ran Badwater 135 in 2018 but was not able to finish. Not wanting to settle for a DNF, she went back to Death Valley in 2019 to give Badwater another go. We talk about her experience in the desert and the mindset she needed to embrace in order to keep moving forward.
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