Running Lean

Running Lean

1. Caroline Keating on Running Through Tough Stuff in Life and Squashing Negative Self Talk

January 10, 2020

Today I have something special for you, a deep conversation with my friend Caroline Keating. She shares some things in this conversation that she’s never shared before. She talks about her competitive background (she was a competitive swimmer in college), and how that competitiveness has shaped who she is as a runner today.
Caroline shares how she really feels about running, and how running has helped her to get through some very tough stuff in her life. Let’s face it, sometimes we experience heartbreak, we might lose people we love, and running can help us to move through that and get past it.
We also talk about the pitfalls of not believing in yourself and what to do when you find yourself engaging in that kind of negative self-talk.
If you enjoy this episode and it inspires you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag me @pmcgilvray.
Don’t forget to grab your FREE training program: How to Build Mental Toughness and Become a Badass Runner. Learn how to train your mind like you train your body so you can tough it out when the going gets tough (and the going WILL get tough!)  Start building your mental toughness today and be the badass runner you know you are! Download your FREE training program right now:
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