Running Lean

Running Lean

225. Pushing Past Your Comfort Zone

April 19, 2024

One of the most powerful things you can do to improve your health and fitness is to regularly push past your comfort zone.

This might seem obvious to you and pretty basic, but it’s an area where most people really struggle.

The idea of getting uncomfortable is easy to understand, and most people say they’re more than willing to get uncomfortable.

But when they come face-to-face with their own discomfort, all those good intentions go out the window.

Most people end up running back to the safety and security of their well-constructed comfort zones.

So today on the podcast, it’s all about pushing past your comfort zone so you can grow, evolve, and become the most badass version of yourself yet.

Work With Me

Interested in working with me in a one-on-one setting? Get the personalized guidance, support, and accountability you need to lose weight, become fat-adapted, and do it in a way that supports your long-term health and fitness goals. Click here to learn more and apply for coaching.

Free Weight Loss Training for Runners

If you’re a runner and you struggle to lose weight, then I have just the thing to help you get started on the right track.

I put together a brand-new, fun (and free) training just for you called “5 Simple Steps to Becoming a Leaner, Stronger Runner”

I will teach you how to lose weight the RIGHT way and keep it off for good…without running a million miles a week!

Here are a few things that you’ll learn in this in-depth training…

  • Why running more and eating less is not an effective way to lose weight
  • The one thing runners don’t do when trying to lose weight
  • The best fuel to use to improve your endurance and your weight loss
  • The mindset shifts required to make these changes last for life
  • The surprising key to losing weight and keeping it off for good
  • And so much more…

You will learn how to crush your weight loss goals AND your running goals directly from me – The Weight Loss Coach for Runners.

If you’re ready to get leaner and stronger, run faster and longer, and become the healthiest, most badass version of yourself, then you need to check out this free training now!

The post 225. Pushing Past Your Comfort Zone appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.