The Paradise Paradox

The Paradise Paradox

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Bitcoin Scares Banks - Kosh Eek - Cryptonomics
October 04, 2018

A few years ago, Kosh Eek realised that Bitcoin was a disruptive technology that he could personally use to withdraw his power from central banks - the entities which enable so much war and suffering in this world. Kosh saw that crypto assets could change

Why Kosh Eek Bought Bitcoin Early - Cryptonomics
October 04, 2018

When people hear about someone making it big in Bitcoin, without knowing that background, it can seem like a lucky break, as if crypto assets were a roulette wheel for investors. What Kosh tells us here recounts a very different story, of wisdom, passion

Bitcoin is like poker - Cryptonomics
October 04, 2018

If you've listened to a lot of interviews with successful investors and entrepreneurs, you might notice that a lot of them play poker, and some of them even recommend it as a way of improving financial acumen. There are many reasons: poker is a game of in

Welcome to Cryptonomics
October 03, 2018

You've probably heard a lot about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in the media - people turning into millionaires overnight, discovering coins on lost hard drives and taking out mortgages to gamble on the market. And it's true, you can get rich using cryptocur

Spiritual Elements of Money - Luis Fernando Mises
October 03, 2018

Luis Fernando Mises is known for his podcast “Emancipated Human”, and for teaching servant leadership as a consultant to large companies in the USA. Some people might find it a contradiction that Luis is a corporate man in a suit and tie, and an intensely

Magical Witchcraft Scientology Journey of Bobaphet – Part 2 – Episode 196
September 19, 2018

The Story: Bob explains his time in the Church of Scientology What can we learn from the Church of Scientology? Is there some wisdom that gets lost in all the criticism, some teachings of L. Ron Hubbard that could still benefit us? Welcome once again to T

Magical Witchcraft Scientology Journey of Bobaphet – Part 1 – Episode 195
August 05, 2018

Join the navy, join a Wiccan coven, join the Church of Scientology. What would you learn from joining all three? Read more → The post Magical Witchcraft Scientology Journey of Bobaphet – Part 1 – Episode 195 appeared first on the paradis

Government is Religion – Episode 194
June 09, 2018

Shamus Mac makes the case that government is a form of compulsory religion, with prayers, hymns, totems and power animals. Read more → The post Government is Religion – Episode 194 appeared first on the paradise paradox.

Meditate with a monk in a Thai Buddhist temple – Episode 193
March 20, 2018

My monk friend explains several types of meditation, and why consciousness is interesting of itself. Read more → The post Meditate with a monk in a Thai Buddhist temple – Episode 193 appeared first on the paradise paradox.

Thai Temple Drug Detox: An interview with a Buddhist monk – Episode 192
March 12, 2018

Vice called the detox at Wat Tham Krabok "the world's toughest rehab". Is it true? Read more → The post Thai Temple Drug Detox: An interview with a Buddhist monk – Episode 192 appeared first on the paradise paradox.