The Paradise Paradox

The Paradise Paradox

Latest Episodes

Bitcoin Mass Adoption with Juan Galt
October 15, 2018

For years people have been asking when Bitcoin is going to reach mass adoption, and though the market has expanded a lot, there still hasn't been a lot of use in day-to-day commerce. In this episode I talk to Juan Galt about the lack of user experience in

Practical Bitcoin Maximalist with Juan Galt - Episode 198
October 09, 2018

Juan Galt is a cryptocurrency journalist and consultant, who guides Bitcoin newbies to correct security practices. He's given a few presentations at Anarchapulco, and he formerly covered crypto for The Dollar Vigilante's newsletter. Juan lived in Colombia

Why Bitcoin Is Still King - Juan Galt - Cryptonomics
October 08, 2018

In the cryptocurrency market, anybody with a laptop, a little coding knowledge and a dream can invent a new asset, programming a financial instrument from their garage, scaring the pants off of regulators like the SEC, and many banks. That's why it's so p

Is Crypto Dead? Qs 4 Crypto
October 04, 2018

I saw a question on Quora recently: Is this the end of cryptocurrencies?, accompanied by a link to a quote from Ethereum founder, Vitalik Buderin saying "There isn’t an opportunity for yet another 1,000-times growth in anything in the space anymore." It's

Crypto-Hustler Mentality - Cryptonomics
October 04, 2018

In 'Post Office', Bukowski's girlfriend tells him to get a job, and he responds "Any damn fool can beg up a job. It takes a wise man to make it without working. Out here we call it 'hustling'." In movies and novels, adventurers, rogues and hustlers are gl

Losing half a mill and staying cool - Luis Fernando Mises - Cryptonomics
October 04, 2018

In this interview, "Emancipated Human" Luis Fernando Mises explains the things he focused on after a tragic loss - losing his best friend and $400,000 at once. It's always going to be tough, but with confidence in your own skills, the support of your love

Dash vs Hyperinflation (or, Why Fiat Currency Sucks) - Cryptonomics
October 04, 2018

Hyperinflation happens more frequently than a lot of people think. Venezuela is a current example, but we've seen a similar thing in Zimbabwe in the last ten years, the Argentine government has revalued the peso 4 times in the last 50 years, and there are

Dash saves Venezuela? Quick case - Cryptonomics
October 04, 2018

Crypto fanatics have been asking for a long time, when will this technology reach mass adoption? However, for many years the situation wasn't ripe. Bitcoin wasn't user-friendly enough, it was hard for non-techy newbies to get involved, and they didn't hav

Bitcoin - Predict the Price? Part 2 - Cryptonomics
October 04, 2018

Lots of people who are involved in crypto have opinions about the direction of the market. People standing on the sidelines can tell you that it's over and will never recover after the crash in 2018. However, for people who have been in this for a while,

Bitcoin - Predict the Price? - Cryptonomics
October 04, 2018

Is it possible to know where the crypto market is heading? Can you tell when the market is overbought, overheated, and getting close to a correction? Here are three simple ways you can get an idea of where the crypto market is heading, especially when a l