Are You Listening?

Are You Listening?

Latest Episodes

Being Christian Isn’t About Bible Studies
April 04, 2024

In the last decade, and more so in the last three years, I've embarked on a path of deep exploration and bold exposition in areas often left uncharted or merely skimmed over by the broader Christian c

Fear As Fuel
March 22, 2024

I Ain't Scared of No Post We live in a world where the essence of who we truly are is often buried under the heavy weight of societal norms and expectations. It's a world that demands conformity, o

A Rose | Poem of the Heart
May 21, 2023

A poem of me: A Rose.

Reboot! Let's get going.
April 22, 2023

After three years I am restarting this conversation. I hope to get all of you back in the saddle of having a good convo. Take care to watch for my newsletters starting in the next few months. Every F

Seeing in Spite of Seeing
September 13, 2022

The forest for the trees type thingy... ok. I am particular about being specific. I am also verbose. Writing helps to manage and mature both issues. I have often prided myself on being myopic in

Love is a Decisive Act | Ep 114 | Are You Listening?
January 01, 2020

Love is a term that many people use without meaning or purpose and sometimes it is assigned the wrong definition. God is love and His love toward His elect is a decisive action unto their eternal life, redemption, forgiveness, etc.

Garbage In… | Ep 113 | A Bit of A Struggle At Times
December 31, 2019

There is never a day when I don't have some sense of a spiritual struggle. Even in the best of days, the enemy is at work, my flesh enjoys the ride, and the Spirit within is at war. Thankfully, I don't have to come to rest in my struggle in order to be...

Close, But No Cigar! | Ep 112 | Are You Listening Podcast
December 30, 2019

There is no room for a "close" gospel, and according to Paul in Galatians, any iteration of the gospel that is not pure on both sides is a false gospel. Therefore, those who hold as their hope these nuanced gospels are to be understood as having not be...

Running a One-Legged Race? Bible & Brethren are essential | Ep 111
August 06, 2019

The bible and the brethren are essential "legs" of the Christian's life. Without ONE of these, there is no real or tangible way that any believer will be healthy and growing. Think about this for a minute, and remember,

A General Thought: Evangelism | Ep 110 S2
June 15, 2019

Evangelism is the PURPOSE of most religious groups in the world. The Christian faith surely should be actively involved in reaching God's lost sheep with the gospel of grace. But the methods employed most of the time are not necessarily good or effecti...
