The Meditation Podcast

The Meditation Podcast

Latest Episodes

Three - Positive Thoughts
December 19, 2006

Before we begin, we would like to thank everyone who has emailed us and reviewed the podcast. We appreciate your support! Also, please let us know what you would like to hear in future episodes of The Meditation Podcast. We have several guests in mind for

Two - Calming the Body
November 07, 2006

This month's podcast is about calming the body. It sends a wave of relaxation from the tips of the toes to the top of the head. This helps us reduce stress, relax the body, and relax the mind as well. And this allows us to go deeper into a meditative stat

One - A Basic Meditation
October 03, 2006

We decided to make this podcast to help regular people who want to learn and practice meditation. This style of meditation is non-denominational, and we believe it can be used in conjunction with - or separate from - any set of religious or spiritual beli
