The Life Work Podcast

The Life Work Podcast

Latest Episodes

You are Not Your Thoughts and Why That’s a Really Good Thing
June 29, 2020

We think all day long. Its easy to to equate our thoughts withwho we are. When we do this, we view our thoughts as synonymous withthe person we are.We then become susceptible to all sorts of unhea

Episode 30 – Live Like Everything Is Rigged In Your Favor
June 24, 2020

What if the good and the challenging was all rigged in your favor? If you had this mindset, how might it change your life and your work? The 12 century poet, Rumi, advised us to live as if everything was rigged in our favor.

Episode 29 – Lifework Podcast – Stressed? Learn the Secret of Equanimity
June 16, 2020

Stress is a natural part of life. Though too much stress can hurt us, too little can deactivate our best energies. Because we need stress, it’s important to learn how to handle it and even leverage its power. Enter equanimity.

Two Realities that Undo Leaders (Part Two)
June 07, 2020

In our last installment, we explored two realities that undo leaders: Things take longer than we think they will Things are more complex than we expected In this installment, we consider three actions you can take to both honor and leverage the two rea...

Episode 28 – Two Actions that Will Bring You More Health and Happiness
June 01, 2020

Where does well being, meaning, and happiness come from? In this week’s Lifework podcast we explore two actions we can take that will increase health and happiness. It doesn’t mean we will be struggle free. But developing these two action,

Two Realities that Undo a Leader’s Effectiveness
May 29, 2020

There are two realities that cab quietly wreak havoc on the effectiveness of a leader. In today’s episode (Part 1) we explore the realities and notice how we might fall prey to them. The good news is this: if we honor these realities we can revolutioni...

Episode 27 – Feeling Disillusioned During the Pandemic? Well…Be Grateful, That’s a Good Thing
May 26, 2020

Words change over time. Sometimes maybe that’s good. But in the case of the word “disillusion,” it’s not. If you’re feeling disillusioned right now, be grateful. If you play it right, disillusionment can make your life a lot better.

Episode 26 – Earn Your Leadership Everyday
May 18, 2020

Elite leaders, like elite athletes, never rest on yesterday’s achievements. In this episode of the Lifework Podcast we examine Michael Jordan’s quote: Earn Your Leadership Everyday. Jordan turbo charged his skills – and earned his leadership everyday –...

Episode 25 – Lifework – Want to tap potential, life a fuller life? Make Friends With…
May 09, 2020

The way to a full life is found in pursuing a rather disorienting dynamic. Eric Fromm put it this way, The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.

Episode 24 – Spread the Word – Without These Two Qualities, Our Way of Life is in Jeopardy
May 04, 2020

We don’t accidentally get to keep the society we’ve built. The hard work that goes into building a civilization, must be sustained through collective and deliberate action. As we face the challenges of the pandemic,