The Life Work Podcast

The Life Work Podcast

Latest Episodes

Lifework Podcast – Episode 37 – Do Less, Better
December 01, 2020

Why is more, better? What if doing less, or that which is essential, is the way to better life and work outcomes? In this episode of the Lifework podcast join Dave as he explores the words of the great stoic Marcus Aurelius: Do less better.

Lifework – Episode 36: Without Time Alone, How Can We Effectively Lead?
November 03, 2020

A leader needs time alone. Without it we are prone to reactivity and arrogance. The wise leader knows she needs time alone to reflect and think, plan, and design her world. Are you making time to reflect on your actions, design and plan your days,

The Power of Alignment – FutureThink Team Update
September 25, 2020

Hey FutureThink Team, Take a listen below to an update on our work. Dave

Episode 35 – Lifework Podcast: What Stories are You Telling Yourself
August 31, 2020

We tell ourselves stories all day long. But many of them do more harm then good. The quality of the stories we tell determines the quality of the lives we lead. In this episode of the Lifework podcast we explore how to tell ourselves better stories.

Access Your Ignorance to Gain More Insight and Wisdom
August 05, 2020

Is it good for a leader to be ignorant? Well the answer to that question sounds like a slam dunk. Of course not. But what if ignorance can be a leaders friend? What would it mean for a leader to be

Episode Four: Alignment: Define Your High Stakes Work
August 03, 2020

Defining high stakes work is the second element of alignment. This episode sets up the exploration of high stakes work on the learning hub.

Episode 3 – Alignment: Element One – Know Your Mission
July 29, 2020

In this audio program, we explore the first element of alignment. Know Your Mission.

Episode 2 – The Four Elements of Alignment
July 23, 2020

Here’s an overview of alignment and its four elements.

Stop Trying to Innovate, and One Day You Just Might
July 20, 2020

Everyone wants to be innovative. Its the current holy grail. But what if weve got the focus wrong? What if, to innovate, you had tostop trying? What if innovation is the result ofother actions and

The Way We Talk To Each Other Matters
July 07, 2020

Our country is a mess. Each of us has a responsibility to work to turn things around. The turn around begins when we change the way we talk to each other. If we have any hope of turning our mess int