The Lab With Brad

The Lab With Brad

Latest Episodes

ep 214: What’s this “cerebellum” thing for?
April 04, 2019

What’s this “cerebellum” thing for? - It’s sitting underneath your cerebrum, this odd bulge behind the brainstem. Only ten percent of your brains total volume, it has more than 75 percent of the neurons. What is the cerebellum,

Ep 213: Reverse engineering the brain… ish
March 28, 2019

Reverse engineering the brain… ish - Let’s see… How does this “brain” thing work exactly? Maybe we could build something brain-like, something that would act as though it has a mind. Hmmm… In a conversation that rambles through blind cavefish,

Ep 212: A network of networks
March 14, 2019

A network of networks - It’s an old part of your brain, but still very complicated. With far too much to cover in one episode, Phil and I hit a few highlights of your reticular formation. From our old friend the substantia nigra; to the raphe nuclei a...

Ep 211: Black and blue brain bits
March 07, 2019

Black and blue brain bits - Last week, Phil had questions. This week, we try to answer them. We also take a closer look at areas of the brain that have pigment in their neurons, and try to figure out what that pigment is there for.

Ep 210: The gas and brakes in your brain
February 28, 2019

The gas and brakes in your brain - Philosophy was fun, but let’s get back to looking at the brain, and the bits there in. Today we talk about a system that helps to activate and control the way you move. It’s one part of what’s happening in your “basa...

Ep 209: Do you really make choices?
February 21, 2019

Do you really make choices? - We had trouble finding an ending last time. Probably because we weren’t done. There was more to say, and we say it. From AI and ethics, to the question of choice and free will,

Ep 208: Sometimes science isn’t enough
February 14, 2019

Sometimes science isn’t enough - The mind body problem, the hard question of consciousness—why do you feel like you to you? Phil and I attempt to bridge the gap between science and philosophy, only to fall down the chasm.

Ep 207: Brains and batteries, oh my
February 07, 2019

Brains and batteries, oh my - Our last recording went a little long. We split it in two, and this is the second part. Today we talk about the somewhat gruesome history of studying the electrical activity of the brain.

Ep 206: Bloody brains!
January 31, 2019

Bloody brains! - The parts of your brain that are working the hardest, need the most blood. Your brain actually pulsates with your heartbeat, and the flow of your blood within your brain changes from minute to minute.

Ep 205: Pulsating, broken brains!
January 24, 2019

Pulsating, broken brains! - Much of what we’ve learned about how our brain works came from the results of injury and disease. From the work of an ancient Egyptian doctor, to a roman physician patching up gladiators,