The Lab With Brad

The Lab With Brad

Latest Episodes

Ep222 part 2: Black hole business
June 06, 2019

part 2: Black hole business - It’s the second part of the two part episode on black holes, where not even the point of what we were saying can escape. Here’s an article on how we learned what the speed of light is. -

Ep 222 part1: Blackhole background
June 04, 2019

part1: Blackhole background - We decided to do an episode on blackholes. It was by Phil’s request. it is the fiftieth episode wherein I have been joined by my brother as my co-host. Turned out to go a bit long, so here’s the first part,

Ep 221: Your brain smells
May 23, 2019

Your brain smells - From finding good food, to recognizing familiar people and places, to choosing a good person to make babies with, today we talk about your surprisingly useful sense of smell. Here’s an article about how your nose can regrow th...

if only twitter loves us.
May 18, 2019

Ge wiz, we’d sure like the twitter media tag thinggy to work. And there are two ‘g’s in thinggy, I swear! - It's all been more complicated than it should be, but it looks like it's working!

Ep 220: Wagging tongues over taste
May 16, 2019

Wagging tongues over taste - Researching this episode made me so hungry! Today, phil and I talk about your tongue, a berry that makes sour things sweet, mice in mid yum, and your brain and the sense of taste.

Ep 219: Balance
May 09, 2019

Balance - You hardly notice it unless something goes wrong, but your sense of balance relies on most of your other senses to work, and uses all sorts of interesting bits of your interesting brain. Along with sleeping birds, bionic men,

Ep 218: Touching on touch
May 02, 2019

Touching on touch - Throughout your body, you have nerves. These send signals about the world through your spinal cord, and into your brain. More than just what you feel, your sense of touch includes temperature, pressure, the position of your body,

Ep 217: Take a look at looking
April 25, 2019

Take a look at looking - Your sense of vision is arguably the most complicated sense you have. Estimates range from one half, to as much as two thirds of your brain dedicated to using light to make sense of your world.

Ep 216: the stuff between your ears, including the ears
April 18, 2019

the stuff between your ears, including the ears - From the shape of your ears to bits of your brain, and just a little bit about fish for some reason, have a listen to how we listen. In this episode, I speak briefly about the vOICe.

Ep 215: What is a cortex?
April 11, 2019

What is a cortex? - From the Latin word for tree bark, “cortex” refers to the outer most layer of an organ. In the brain, the outer most layer is made of several layers of neurons. That’s true in the cerebellum,