The Healing Place Podcast

The Healing Place Podcast

Healers of Hilton Head Series: Candace Blair – Soul Fire Social and the Healing Gifts of Sacred Cacao Ceremonies and Kundalini Yoga

February 17, 2023
Special Edition: Healers of Hilton Head Series

I am so excited to share with you the HEALERS OF HILTON HEAD SERIES!

My goal is to not only shine a light onto the amazing healers of the Lowcountry, but as a reminder for anyone listening to look for the healers in your own community! There are so many empowering and enlightening options available.

Episode 11

Today I welcome Candace Blair, founder of Soul Fire Social.


“My name is Candace Blair, and I returned home to America in 2017 after working 20 years as a finance executive on trading floors in Zurich & London. It is a great honour and true pleasure to now focus my full-time energies on sharing the transformative power of Kundalini Yoga & Meditation, Sound Healing, Shamanic Reiki, and Sacred Cacao Ceremonies. These practices have altered the course of my life, helping me to find my purpose & my passion. They have opened my heart to more love, an elevated mind, body & spirit and raised my conscious awareness. I look forward to sharing these inspiring healing modalities that I have allowed to transform my life with like-minded people like you! 

As for my credentials, I am KRI Kundalini Yoga certified by Karam Kriya in England/Portugal, I trained as a “Cacaoista” with Rebekah Shaman in Ibiza, Spain & London, and then furthered my Shamanic studies with Mally Paquette, a modern medicine woman from Awakenings in Sedona. I am level 1&2 certified in Shamanic Reiki and a trained sound healer using ancient gongs & crystal singing bowls. I am trained in the “Alchemy of Becoming” methodology, helping clients to raise their level of consciousness by releasing trapped emotions from the body, the aura, & the energetic systems.

My business, Soul Fire Social, is a platform to share these ancient techniques and offer opportunities for us to join together in practice and as a community. By increasing our awareness, improving our physical & emotional health, and living more consciously, we can improve the quality of our own lives and those around us. Together, we can help raise the vibration across this beautiful planet and be a positive part of the ongoing dimensional transition.“

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I am your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on Pandora, iTunesBlubrrySpotify, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and more, or directly on my website at You can also catch soundbites of our insightful interview on YouTube.




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